Yesterday was mail day for me. I finally got my orders from Amazon. I got a box of potty training diapers and the Car Seat Canopy Blanket by Snappy Swagger.
The Car Seat Canopy Blanket comes with 3 Bandana Drool Bibs for only $27.99. When I was pregnant, I made a lot of baby stuff. One of them was my very own carseat canopy (with a little help from YouTube). I had a lot of free time so I even crochet some cute baby hats! Haha. Anyway, I got the Snappy Swagger baby car seat canopy for gifting to another mommy-to-be friend of mine. She doesn't know the gender yet so the color is gender neutral. Perfect, right?! I can't wait for her baby shower! The Snappy Swagger baby car seat canopy and bandana bib set is definitely a perfect baby shower gift!
I love the minky fabric! And I know it's quite hard to sew it on so I'd rather buy it. The best thing about it is the free bandana bibs! I've seen a lot of these on Instagram from fellow mommies but the prices are just outrageous! So anyway, I'm keeping the bibs for my little one. They are very soft and absorbent! I guess we will use it mostly because it looks stylish.
My little one, shes' two and she doesn't really use a bib (like when eating) anymore. The bib doesn't have velcro. I hate velcro! They're hazardous! It's not cool when they scratch a baby's skin. That's why I like the snap closure of these bibs. It has two so it has room for growth!
Check out the Snappy Swagger set on Amazon:
Disclaimer: I received a discount for the product in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
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